We will be seeing more about credit rating system, the agencies involved, and how effective the system is and was,... on November 18, 2017 Bank Country Credit Rating SSK TrainGuard Val-U-Pro +
#PISA - This PISA is not leaning tower of PISA. This Pisa is one way to gauge students' performance in schools. on November 03, 2017 AAAA AAAAMegaEcosystem Am Ambi Amma AmmaEcosystem Eco Ecosystem Kid Kidambi Mega MegaEcosystem PISA SrikanthSKidambi SSK System TrainGuard VAL-U-PRO +
#DriveSafe - this gif also shows how miscommunication, and/or partial understanding of a language or any subject... on October 13, 2017 aaaa amma Day DriveSafe Fri Friday FridayThoughts FridayWisdom kssrikanth srikanthskidambi SSK TrainGuard val-u-pro Wisdom +