We had shared concerns about monopolization when news of Amazon considering purchasing Flipkart came out.

We had shared concerns about monopolization when news of Amazon considering purchasing Flipkart came out. It makes us wonder how Walmart purchasing 77% stake in Flipkart would be any different.

We need to ask the question whether HHI, and other economic fundamentals are being considered during times of such acquisition strategies. If such measurement techniques are just for academic purposes, it is high time academic institutions stop offering programs covering topics such as, Economics, Business Management and Ethics to name a few. It will certainly help students not to accrue educational debt for learning subject material, which are not in real practices.

While extending on this topic on education, we would like to mention that we will be presenting some interesting information on Rabindranath Tagore, who was the first person of Asian origin to win the Nobel Prize in 1913 for Literature, and also other autodidacts in our Autodidacts series soon.

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